What Is Your Favourite Ancient Myth?

   Men imagine not only the forms of the gods but their ways of life to be like our own. – Aristotle Politics, 1252B One of the best books I ever purchased for an Ancient History unit for Uni was Barry B. Powell’s Classical Myth. It’s a must have for any Ancient History enthusiast and anybody who wants to learn more about Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian Mythology. Its brings about the nature of myths, there development during ancient times, and different types of myths such as: Divine myths about Creation, the Olympians, Fertility and Death Legends and Heroic … Continue reading What Is Your Favourite Ancient Myth?

The Hellenistic Romances – Five Surviving Ancient Greek Novels

For my Ancient History major, I wrote my publication project on The Dominance of Heterosexual Passion in Post-Classical Literature. I had discovered from a Lecturer that there was a shift in Greek attitude from Classical literature focusing on homosexual relations, to Post-Classical literature idealising heterosexual couples. He had also mentioned the Ancients had been writing novels that would be considered to our standards as Mills and Boons. I came across these five (completed) surviving Ancient Greek Novels. Chariton of Aphrodisias’s Chaireas and Callirhoe was dated to be the earliest surviving completed Greek novel from the first century B. C. E. … Continue reading The Hellenistic Romances – Five Surviving Ancient Greek Novels