Dual Poetry Publications – “Name Day” in the Contrappasso Magazine & “Mnemosyne’s Amaranthos” Won 1st Prize for the GACL Literary Competition 2015

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Hi Everyone,

On Saturday the 14th of November 2015 I attended the launch party of the Contrappasso Magazine’s special issue Long Distance where my poem “Name Day” was published. I was the first writer to read out their poem as I had to leave early to my brother’s girlfriend’s 21st Birthday party. My mum and boyfriend came with me to celebrate this momentous occasion. This is my first poem that has been published outside of Macquarie University. It was rejected twice from two different publications but I still kept my fighting spirit going – as a writer you learn to deal with rejection and you must build a backbone in the industry and keep persevering. I’m so grateful and humble that it was selected for this special publication! A huge thank you to Theodore Ell for choosing my poem. I found out the news in January that my poem had been chosen for publication and I’ve been eager to share with everyone.

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Also, I was invited to attend the launch party of the Periodical Antipodes of the Greek-Australian Cultural League in Melbourne on Sunday the 15th of November as I had submitted another poem of mine for their Literary Competition. So off I went, the next day after the launch party of my other poem and arrived in Melbourne where my boyfriend and I were picked up by his wonderful aunty. And we attended the GACL launch party and I’m ecstatic to announce that I won first prize for my poem “Mnemosyne’s Amaranthos”!!! It’s wonderful to get recognition for the ideas about Greek-Australian identity that I represent!!! And this is only the beginning. I also love the Antipodes’ cover of the flower – it’s beautiful! The word ‘amaranthos’ in Greek means ‘everlasting flower’.

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Both of my poems were written in late 2013 as part of my unit “Poetry Seminar” during my Master’s degree. I didn’t know there was a poet in me until I started this unit – it’s refreshing for my writing, and poetry gives me the space to let me address issues and ideas about cultural displacement. The poems will offer readers an awareness about multicultural issues and the emerging types of Greek generations in Australia.


Once again, I’m hugely grateful and humbled by the recognition I have received with my poems. I would also like to dedicate the publications of my poems in loving memory of my Yiayia Claire who died this year in August. I would have loved to have celebrated the publication of my poems with her, especially “Name Day” that expresses ideas and issues about our name.

Best wishes,

Yiayia Claire 2015

For more information about the publications of my two poems, please go to their official pages on my website: “Name Day” and “Mnemosyne’s Amaranthos”.

To purchase the Contrappasso: Long Distance book, you can go to Amazon. Check out their website here.

And if you would like to purchase the Periodical Antipodes, you can become a member online on their website here, where you will receive a free copy of the bi-lingual periodical.


2 thoughts on “Dual Poetry Publications – “Name Day” in the Contrappasso Magazine & “Mnemosyne’s Amaranthos” Won 1st Prize for the GACL Literary Competition 2015

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